
ホーム > 附属学校データベースプロジェクトワーキングペーパーシリーズ > No.8 コロナ禍における中高生の生活の変化: -都内中等教育学校を対象としたパネル調査から見えてくるもの-

No.8 コロナ禍における中高生の生活の変化: -都内中等教育学校を対象としたパネル調査から見えてくるもの-


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Changes in Life under COVID-2019 Pandemic among Junior High
and High School Students:

A Panel Survey of Secondary School in Tokyo Metropolitan Area

Yuki Ueno, Ichiro Hidaka, and Hideto Fukudome

March, 2022


This study aimed to investigate changes in the lives, behaviors, attitudes, and relationships of junior and senior high school students associated with the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in secondary school in Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan. The survey was conducted with secondary schools attached to the faculty of education, University of Tokyo, in fiscal year 2020. The analyzed data included 671 students (347 junior high school students, 324 high school students) who completed an online questionnaire. Results showed a significant difference in response tendency between junior high school and high school students for certain items regarding changes in living environment; however, effect sizes were all small. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, lifestyle adjustments have been necessary, and a larger percentage of both junior high school and high school students responded that the amount of time spent studying online (60% or more) and time spent at home (80% or more) had increased, compared to before the pandemic. Examples of changes in life resulting from the COVID-19 situation/environment were seen in the more than 50% of respondents who indicated that time spent with their families, using computers and smartphones, and using social networking services had increased. On the other hand, more than 50% of respondents indicated that time spent with friends, exercising, and playing outside had decreased. These results suggest that many students’ lives, behaviors, attitudes, and relationships have changed as a result of the spread of COVID-19.