2015年10月23日 16時から18時半
東京大学赤門総合研究棟 第1会議室
Ko, Po Yuk准教授(香港教育学院)
後援:東京大学大学院教育学研究科附属 学校教育高度化センター
This seminar presents the development of Learning Study in Hong Kong, particularly focus on its effect on enhancing the teaching of Mathematics through creating a professional learning community. Learning Study is a revised version of Lesson Study, which is a model for teacher’s professional development and has a long history in Japan. The Learning Study approach has been developed over the past 15 years in Hong Kong. It is a systematic process of enquiry into
teaching and learning, employing an action research methodology, and underpinned by Variation Theory. Learning Study aims to improve the effectiveness of student learning via enhancing teacher professional competence by creating a learning community among teachers involved in the design, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of a research lesson. During these few years, with the support from various sponsoring bodies, the author and her research team have implemented Learning Studies over 300 primary schools, secondary schools and special schools. Results show that teachers were empowered in terms of their professional growth and developed a widened conception of teaching and a better understanding of pupils’ learning. Learning Study also helps teachers develop pedagogical tactfulness as well as skills in peer observation and collaboration. In this seminar, a case in Mathematics will be used to illustrate the approach and the results.