菅尾 英代
How do history teachers in England use a history textbook?:
An exploratory case study of a Year 8 classroom.
Hideyo Sugao
April, 2020
Historical enquiry is central to the teaching and learning of history in English secondary schools. Unlike teachers in many other countries, English teachers have discretion regarding the selection of resources, including textbooks. It is often considered ideal for teachers not to use a textbook at all but to plan and teach their own historical enquiries for their pupils. In reality, however, teachers do make use of textbooks because textbooks provide good models for enquiries. This study explored how English teachers in a secondary school adapted given materials when planning and how they used resources for developing pupils’ historical thinking, in an enquiry based on a textbook. The data sets analysed arose from interviewing two teachers who planned and taught an enquiry using a textbook and also from observations of twenty-five 12- to 13-year-old pupils’ learning in a history class. In principle, the teachers would not base their teaching on a textbook but would help their pupils to respond to an enquiry question which the teachers had planned themselves. This was because they thought that this could be a key to developing their historical thinking.