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小池 貴之 小泉 卓輝 千野 陽平 倪 琳林
Re-questioned teachers’ perceptions of school during COVID-19 pandemic
Analysis of teachers’ narratives through interview surveys
Yuya Watanabe, Tatsuaki Kanai, Yuta Arii, Kai Oishi,
Shota Iwahori, Kenta Imamura, Nanami Kageyama, Ayaka Nakano,
Rie Nagasugi, Miwako Mochizuki, Masanobu Iidaka, Aina Eriguchi,
Takayuki Koike, Takuki Koizumi, Yohei Chino, and Linlin Ni
April, 2021
The purpose of this study is to clarify how teachers are re-questioning their own perceptions of school (perceptions toward the role of school) through their experiences in COVID-19 by continuous interview surveys to 17 teachers. For the analysis, we used the framework of the questionnaire survey conducted prior to the interview surveys (Arii et al., in press). We examined teachers’ narratives about their perceptions of school, structuring them into three categories: the role of the school, the ideal state of the school, and the role of the teacher group. As a result, in each category, we found some cases where the extraordinary experiences of the COVID-19 functioned as an opportunity for teachers to re-question their conventional perceptions of school. In addition, it became clear that there is a complex structure of (1) transformation, (2) manifestation, and (3) re-recognition in the re-questioning of teachers’ perceptions of school.