
ホーム > 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー > No.46 ケアリング関係から再考する形成的アセスメント -ノディングズの理論を手掛かりに-

No.46 ケアリング関係から再考する形成的アセスメント -ノディングズの理論を手掛かりに-




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岩堀 翔太・千野 陽平

Rethinking Formative Assessment by Focusing on Caring:

Using Noddings’ Theory

Shota Iwahori, Yohei Chino



The purpose of this study is to reevaluate the effects of “formative assessment,” which has been discussed by focusing on learning outcomes such as test scores, autonomy, and improvement of metacognitive skills, from the perspective of building caring relationships between teachers and students, and to pursue new possibilities of “formative assessment.  Stimulated-recall interview were conducted with teachers and students about formative assessment situations based on video recordings of classes. It was found that teachers and students differ in the form of formative assessments in which they perceive caring, and that it is important for students to have a demand for formative assessments in order for them to perceive caring in response to formative assessments. These results were discussed based on Noddings’ theory of caring.